AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


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Meet Therese Swan, top Almaden Valley Realtor!

Therese SwanTherese Swan is a Realtor with Compass, and specializes in Almaden Valley real estate. Therese has been the #1 Almaden Valley Real Estate Agent each year from 2009-2021. During each of these years she has sold more homes in Almaden than any other Agent, as measured by Dollars per Agent per Year.

Using Therese to buy or sell your home is a wise choice. Her record of excellence, frequent referrals, and happy clients are proof. You can contact her at 408-656-8240 or [email protected]. You can also check out Therese’s Featured Listings of Almaden Valley Homes.

AccessAlmaden Now Optimized for Viewing on a Number of Popular Smart Phones

AccessAlmaden on Smart PhonesAccessAlmaden, the definitive online guide to what’s happening in Almaden Valley, is now optimized for your enjoyment on a number of popular smart phones.

Now it is easier than ever to discover things to do and ways to save in Almaden Valley. Scroll or search for new events, activities, and deals – wherever you are, whenever you need to.

Supported devices include Apple iPhone, Apple iPod Touch, Google Android, Palm Pre, and BlackBerry Storm. Here’s how AccessAlmaden looks on the iPhone. Enjoy.

AccessAlmaden on Smart Phones

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