Martin-Fontana Parks Association (MFPA) will be planting a number of California native plants and shrubs in Jeffrey Fontana Park.
Volunteers are needed. They will be meeting near the children’s playground not far from the intersection of McAbee Road & Thorntree Drive. Here is a map for the location.
Dave Poeschel will be heading up the project that involves the planting of 20 trees and about 130 small shrubs in Fontana Park on both sides of McAbee.
The other project will be headed by Patrick Pizzo in an area known as Island A, just west of the dog park in Fontana. He will lead the planting of about 25 shrubs.
Make sure to bring your gloves and a shovel, if you have one. The work won’t be too hard as the holes will be pre-augered. MFPA will be providing coffee, water, and refreshments for all the volunteers.
This project is being coordinated by the Martin-Fontana Parks Association in cooperation with Our City Forest of San Jose. If you can join us, please contact David Poeschel at [email protected].
Does your child or grandchild need community-service hours? This would be an excellent opportunity to serve the community and receive high school or middle school credit.
Phase II of the Fall planting is scheduled for Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 9am. To learn more about the tree planting, see the Master Plan. [EVENT IS CLOSED]