Almaden Cares meetings are open to all who want to help save the lives of kids on the streets and roads in Almaden Valley.
At the meetings the group provides an update on the most recent accomplishments, discusses plans, and talks about how it can increase community involvement. The meetings are open to all adults and students.
Almaden Cares is a small group of community members who have joined together in response to the many tragic and horrific car collisions involving teenage drivers in Almaden Valley.
The goal of Almaden Cares is to raise the consciousness of pre-teens, teens, and parents regarding the causes of catastrophic accidents involving teen drivers.
The organization wants everyone who gets behind the wheel of a car and everyone who rides as a passenger to make good decisions about their own safety as well as the safety of those around them.
Almaden Cares invites you to join them in this community effort. The next meeting is at the Offices of Alain Pinel, 1071 Blossom Hill Road, San Jose, on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, from 7-8pm. Along with a special guest speaker, the group will discuss recent progress with community partners, its new website, and related issues. Help make this endeavor a continuing success – go and share your ideas and thoughts. [EVENT IS CLOSED
Below is a new Almaden Cares advertisement promoting the theme of smart driving for kids: