AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


2025 Leland Science Fair

2025 Leland Science FairThe 2025 Leland Science Fair will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025, at 4:00 p.m.

Deadline for student and judge registration is Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025.

Register at:


  • Competitors: grades 1st – 12th with science projects
  • Judges: Adults willing to judge amazing projects
  • Volunteers: High school students/parents for set up and management

If you would like to volunteer, please sign up at this link. Volunteers will be able to get community service hours.


The 2025 Leland Science Fair showcases students in San Jose who will become our future scientists, technology experts, engineers, and mathematicians. This competition inspires achievement by elementary, middle and high school students.

The fair will be judged in 2 divisions: elementary, and middle/ high school. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will be awarded in each division. Special mentions will be given for every grade level.

Projects will be judged based on:

  • Originality
  • Knowledge of the subject
  • Ability to answer any questions
  • Layout of the board
  • Complexity of the project

Types of Projects Accepted:

  • Experiments (investigates the effects of changes or answers the question “Why?”)
  • Inventions (solves a need or problem, and includes measurements of success)
  • Demonstrations (how something works) are accepted for grades 1-3

Prizes will be awarded!


The 2025 Leland Science Fair will be held at Leland High School, 6677 Camden Ave. San Jose, CA.


The 2025 Leland Science Fair will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025, at 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for student and judge registration is Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025.


Register at:

Email [email protected] for any questions.


Almaden Valley is a great place to live! Looking to buy or sell your home? Contact The Swan!


4th of July 2024 Fireworks Festival at Almaden Lake Park

4th of July 2024Get ready for family fun at the 9th Annual 4th of July 2024 Fireworks Festival at Almaden Lake Park!

DATE: July 4th, 2024
TIME: Festival starts at 3:00 PM – Fireworks will begin approximately 9:15 PM
LOCATION: Almaden Lake Park

In addition to fabulous fireworks by Blackstar Fireworks, there will be a Fun Zone, a Food Court, and entertainment by The Snarky Cats band! There will also be a half-time show including Comedy Sportz, Patriotic Outfit Awards, National Anthem, and more.

This community event depends on volunteers to make it a success. The Almaden Valley Women’s Club is working with Councilmember Arjun Batra and District 10 to manage this year’s 4th of July Fireworks Festival. To volunteer or to make a donation, go to the festival website:

Contact the District 10 office with any questions: [email protected].

4th of July Fireworks Festival at Almaden Lake Park

4th of July Fireworks Festival at Almaden Lake ParkGet ready for the 8th Annual 4th of July Fireworks Festival at Almaden Lake Park!

DATE: July 4th, 2023

TIME: Festival starts at 3:00 PM – Fireworks will begin approximately 9:15 PM

LOCATION: Almaden Lake Park

In addition to fabulous fireworks by Devastating Pyrotechnics, there will be a Fun Zone, a Food Court, and an Entertainment Lineup including music by The Snarky Cats, a magic show by PY Magic, and a Costume Contest!

This community event depends on volunteers to make it a success. Everyone interested in volunteering must register at least 3 weeks before the event, sign a volunteer service agreement, and go through a brief overview/training. Volunteer sign-ups will not be accepted on July 4th.





Note: All persons under 17 must have a parent’s signature on the Volunteer Service Agreement. Community service hours are given for middle and high school students.

Contact the District 10 office with any questions: [email protected].

Martin-Fontana Park Association Phase II Tree Planting in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

Martin-Fontana Parks Association (MFPA) will be planting a number of California native plants and shrubs in Jeffrey Fontana Park.

Volunteers are needed. They will be meeting near the children’s playground not far from the intersection of McAbee Road & Thorntree Drive. Here is a map for the location.

Dave Poeschel will be heading up the project that involves the planting of 20 trees and about 130 small shrubs in Fontana Park on both sides of McAbee.

The other project will be headed by Patrick Pizzo in an area known as Island A, just west of the dog park in Fontana. He will lead the planting of about 25 shrubs.

Make sure to bring your gloves and a shovel, if you have one. The work won’t be too hard as the holes will be pre-augered. MFPA will be providing coffee, water, and refreshments for all the volunteers.

This project is being coordinated by the Martin-Fontana Parks Association in cooperation with Our City Forest of San Jose. If you can join us, please contact David Poeschel at [email protected].

Does your child or grandchild need community-service hours? This would be an excellent opportunity to serve the community and receive high school or middle school credit.

Phase II of the Fall planting is scheduled for Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 9am. To learn more about the tree planting, see the Master Plan. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Coastal Clean Up

Guadalupe River Park Conservancy is hosting a stewardship opportunity for volunteers to help clean up the banks of the Guadalupe River. Saturday September 17th from 9am to 12pm. For more information, visit

Lend a Hand Ministry at Holy Spirit in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

logo: Holy Spirit in Almaden ValleyHoly Spirit in Almaden Valley has a new ministry program called Lend a Hand.

The ministry is focused on reaching out to the elderly and those in our community who need help with simple tasks around the house. Volunteer to help someone with repairing fixtures, cleaning windows, mowing the lawn, or other to do’s and errands.

If you are in need of assistance or you can volunteer to help, please contact Leah Harris or Mike Ferrero:

Learn the Art and Science of Professional Trail Work in Almaden Quicksilver Park – UPDATED 2022

logo: Almaden Quicksilver ParkHelp the expert County Parks Trail Crew with new trail construction, tread work, and brushing.

Work along some of the most beautiful and pristine trails in Santa Clara Valley while learning the art and science of professional trail work. No special skills are required but the work may be moderately strenuous.

This volunteer work day will focus on brushing trails near the Mockingbird entrance of the Almaden Quicksilver Park. Tools, work gloves, and snacks will be provided. Please bring your own water bottle, which we can refill for you.

The mission of the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department is to provide, protect, and preserve regional park lands for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of current and future generations.

This event is at the Mockingbird entrance of Almaden Quicksilver County Park on Saturday, February 12, 2011, from 9:15am to 11:30am. RSVP online. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

View the Almaden Quicksilver Historic Trail Guide.

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