AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley

Water Lantern Festival at Almaden Lake Park 2023

Water Lantern Festival - Images of lanterns on Almaden LakeTickets are on sale now for the Water Lantern Festival at Almaden Lake Park July 21-23, 2023. Along with entry to the festival, each adult and youth ticket comes with a floating lantern kit, commemorative drawstring bag, and more.

Gates open at 5:30, when you and your family can enjoy food trucks, music and fun! At 8:00 you’ll design your lantern, and then at 8:30 is the Lantern Launch, where you’ll witness the beauty of thousands of lanterns and their lights reflecting upon the water. Learn more about this amazing event and get tickets on the Water Lantern Festival website.

Water Lantern Festival is a proud supporter of, an international nonprofit organization that has positively transformed millions of lives around the world with safe water and sanitation.

Harvest Festival at Almaden Community Center

Harvest Festival at Almaden Community CenterThe Almaden Community Center is hosting its 15th Annual Harvest Festival this weekend, on Saturday, October 15th from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. This is an event that you can enjoy with the entire family, but it’s extra special for kids.

Create beautiful harvest themed arts and crafts items at the arts-n-crafts area, play carnival games, find pumpkins for your fall decor at the pumpkin patch or experience some freaky, scary moments at the haunted hallway.

For more information call: 408-268-1133.

4th of July 2022 in Almaden

4th of July 2022

Festival and Fireworks at the Almaden Lake Regional Park

Hooray! The most exciting event of the year for Almaden residents – the Fourth of July Celebrations and Fireworks at the Almaden Lake Regional Park – is back this year after a two year hiatus due to the pandemic.

The festival begins at 3:00 pm and includes a family fun zone, live music and entertainment, a costume contest, activities and food trucks. The fireworks begin at 9:15 pm. Bring your family and friends to enjoy this spectacular show. Come early to find good viewing spots and remember to carry water, portable chairs or mats to sit down.

For more information visit:

Montevideo Neighborhood 4th of July Parade

The Montevideo neighborhood of Almaden has been celebrating Independence Day since 1968 with a fabulous float parade display and contest. This year’s theme is National Parks. Parade begins at 11:00 am at the Montevideo neighborhood clubhouse. This too is a great event for the entire family to watch.

For more information visit:

A Few Things to Remember During 4th of July in Almaden

Personal or backyard fireworks are illegal in San Jose. Some pets are sensitive to fireworks and can get distressed. Please take extra care of pets around fireworks displays. Let us all enjoy and celebrate safely.

Virtual 5K Art & Wine Community Event

Virtual 5K Art & Wine Community EventThe Almaden Valley Women’s Club will be hosting its 2nd annual Virtual 5k Art & Wine Community Event from June 26-July 3, 2022, in place of the annual Almaden Valley Art & Wine Festival. The Virtual 5K Art & Wine Community Event is fun for the whole family. Participants can follow a suggested mapped route provided by the Women’s Club, or they can use their own route at their leisure over the 8-day duration.

In keeping with the AVWC tradition, they will be kicking off this event with the 2022 logo contest. One winner and two finalists’ logos will be selected from submissions by eligible students. The final logo will be featured on their yearly commemorative wine glass, the 5K event t-shirt and swag bag, and 2022 marketing material.

As with the Almaden Valley Art & Wine Festival, 100% of proceeds will be awarded to local schools and charities. For more details and to donate, visit:

Water Lantern Festival at Almaden Lake Park 2022

Water Lantern Festival at Almaden Lake ParkTickets are selling fast for the Water Lantern Festival at Almaden Lake Park! This popular family friendly event will take place this year on Saturday April 30 and Sunday May 1, 2022. Early bird tickets are on sale now until March 31. Along with entry to the festival, each ticket comes with a floating lantern kit, commemorative drawstring bag, and more. Gates open at 5:00, when you can enjoy food trucks, music and fun! At 7:30 you’ll design your lantern, and then at 8:00 is the Lantern Launch, where you’ll witness the beauty of thousands of lanterns and their lights reflecting upon the water. Learn more about this amazing event and get tickets on the Water Lantern Festival website.

Halloween in Almaden 2021

Halloween Almaden 2021Happy Halloween, Almaden!

It is the most spooktacular time of the year! Ghosts, witches, jack-o-lanterns, and of course, mountains of candies. Halloween is here, and Almaden is a funtastic place to soak in some real scares.

This year some of our more ghoulish neighbors are hosting haunted houses that are definitely worth a visit. At David Vengerov’s home in the Montevideo neighborhood, this year’s theme is “Toy Factory”. Don’t forget to peek into the attached trailer at the property. Says David on his Nextdoor post, “the distinctive features of the house will be the “dynamic” scares.” Address: 1487 Montalban Drive.

Daniel Paulazzo of the Almaden Meadows also invites neighbors and Halloween fans to his haunted maze at “Deadmond Ave.” Address: 1394 Redmond Ave.

For Jamie Lee Miller’s family, Halloween is by far their favorite celebration. Miller promises tricks and treats and invites friends and neighbors to their ghostly display having spent “countless weeks on our family home making it a sight to see and experience to have with your friends/ family and kids”. Address: 1104 Allston Way

Beth Swartz of Glenview Serenity promises a fantastic display with some pop-up scares, skeletons and more! “This year we will have candy in individual bags and pop-up scares that kids can activate themselves. Please drop by our place on Halloween – 6pm – 9pm (or until the candy runs out!)” she says. Located on Corvallis Drive between Elwood and Glenview in Almaden.

For more locations of haunted houses and a quick look at streets to hit for candies and scares, visit:

Almaden Valley Summer Concert

Almaden Valley Summer ConcertThe Almaden Valley Summer Concert will be performed by the Silicon Valley Houserockers on July 22nd, 2021! Be sure not to miss their only summer show performed at Greystone Park, from 6:30-8:30 P.M. It is advisable to bring your own lawn chairs, drinks, and snacks to enjoy this soul-rock cover band’s amazing live music. There is no entry fee into the event, so bring your friends and family. This event is sponsored by the Almaden Senior Association and the Almaden Advisory Council.

Featuring ten members including guitarists, vocalists, drummers and trumpeteers, the Houserockers provide an enchanting experience reviving all the greatest hits in rock, R&B, soul, and blues from the last few decades. Including covers of the Rolling Stones, Hall & Oates, Bruce Springsteen and Bruno Mars, their performances are not to be missed!

To learn more about The Houserockers, head to their website at
Enjoy the show with your friends and family!

Event Information:
July 22nd; 6:30-8:30pm
Free entry
Greystone Park located at Camden Avenue and Mt. Carmel Drive, San Jose, CA 95120

Holiday Events at Almaden Community Center

Holiday Events at Almaden Community CenterThe holidays are just around the corner, and so are a couple of Almaden’s favorite family holiday events at Almaden Community Center – Breakfast with Santa and the North Pole Party!

Breakfast with Santa
The Breakfast with Santa event at the Almaden Community Center is an annual tradition where families can meet and take photos with Santa, enjoy a hearty holiday breakfast and participate in arts and crafts. It is being held on December 14, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. This event requires registration. Cost: $18.

North Pole Party
The North Pole party at the Almaden Community Center is a special holiday event for little kids (ages 4-6), being held on December 17, from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. The little tots will find themselves in a winter wonderland with holiday treats, music and art activities. Cost: $25.

For more information about holiday events at Almaden Community Center or to register, click here or call: 408-268-1133

Run Turkey Run 2019

Run Turkey Run 2019It’s time for Run Turkey Run 2019!

Run Turkey Run, Almaden’s popular annual turkey run event, will be held on Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, November 28, from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm. Run Turkey Run is a family fun event that supports Bret Harte Middle School’s Booster Club.

There are two runs available for runners to choose from: the 10k, which starts at 8:30 am, and the 5K, which starts at 8:50 am. Both runs begin and end at Leland High School. Turkey Run T-shirts ($15) and registration packets are available for purchase at Bret Harte Middle School cafeteria on Wednesday, November 27, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Race day registration (November 28) and packet pickups are from 7:00 to 7:30 am at Leland High School. Come on out and run or cheer to support Bret Harte Middle School!

For more information or to sign up for Run Turkey Run 2019, click here or call Bret Harte Middle School at 408-535-6270.

Halloween in Almaden Valley

Halloween in Almaden ValleyIt’s time again for Halloween in Almaden Valley! Carving Jack-o-lanterns, turning your yard into a graveyard, trick-or-treating with kids, enjoying a costume party – whichever way you choose to celebrate, it is time to dress in your spookiest best and hop out to stir the cauldrons. And Almaden Valley is certainly a spooky place to be on Halloween night! Here are some fun neighborhoods to stroll around during Halloween in Almaden Valley.

Neighborhoods with Haunted Houses
Many residents are hosting haunted houses with fabulous displays of the spooky, gory and the macabre. You can visit haunted houses on Calcatera Drive, Azalea Drive, Shearwater Drive, Lillian Way, Medallion Drive, Redmond Avenue, Monteval Lane, Via Del Los Grande, and last but not least, at the end of Little Falls Drive. This last one is particularly spectacular and not to be missed. Expect to find lots of people thronging the street, but it is worth braving the crowds.

Allergy-free Treats
This year several residents are passing out allergy-free treats so that all kids can enjoy Halloween. They can be found on Hampton Drive, Casual Way, Portswood Drive, Crimson Drive, Burchell Avenue, Franciscan Way, Montalban Drive and Montellano Drive. For accurate addresses, check the Almaden area treat map on

Happy trick-or-treating, and have a great Halloween!

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