AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


Almaden Community Center Summer 2017 – UPDATED 2022


Registration has begun for Almaden Community Center Summer 2017 activities and camps. The Summer 2017 brochure has details of activities and camps from June 12, 2017 to August 18, 2017. There are various fun and exciting sports and educational programs on the offer for children and teens. Be sure to take advantage of them!

In addition to activities, here are some other important highlights noted in the brochure:

R.O.C.K. Afterschool Program

Registration for 2017-2018 school year begins on Saturday, July 22, at 10:00 am.

San Jose Recreation Preschool

Details regarding 2017-2018 sessions are provided in the brochure. Sessions span from August 21/22 2017 through May 31/June 1 2018. Contact the community center to register.

Almaden Valley Summer Concert Series

There’s live music coming to your neighborhood with the Almaden Valley Summer Concert Series! Every Thursday night in July you can relax with your friends and family at Graystone Park and enjoy live music. Remember to carry some food and drinks, and don’t forget your chairs. So, mark your calendars for July Thursday nights, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at Graystone Park.

For more details about these and other exciting activities and events, check out the Almaden Community Center Summer 2017 brochure here:

Summer Sports Camps in Almaden

Summer is around the corner and if your kids are interested in sports, explore the following summer sports camps in Almaden…

Summer Sports Camps in Almaden - Almaden SoccerSoccer

Almaden Soccer is offering 7 weeks of soccer summer camps from June to August 2017. These camps are open for young soccer players of all abilities, born between 2003 and 2010. They will be held at O’Malley Field 2 (Steinbeck School) from 9:00 am to noon on the following dates:

June: 19-23 and 26-30
July: 10-14, 17-21, and 24-28
August: July 31 – Aug. 4 and Aug. 7-11

The cost of the camps is $165/week. To register, go to:

TennisSummer Sports Camps in Almaden - Skyhawks Sports

Skyhawks Sports in partnership with the Almaden Community Center is running summer tennis camps for kids of all abilities, ages 7 to 12. These camps will be held in July at the Leland High School tennis courts. The dates are as follows:

July 10-14, 17-21, and 24-28

The cost for the program is $166/ week. To register, go to:

Summer Sports Camps in Almaden - NJB National Junior BasketballBasketball

The Almaden NJB Youth Basketball League (AVNJB), an affiliate of the National Junior Basketball League (NJB), will be running basketball camps in June and July. The dates are:

June 26-30
July 17-21

Fees are $210 for half day, and $325 for full-day camps. For more information and to register, go to:

These camps fill up quickly and registration is now open, so be sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Almaden Community Center Spring 2017 Catalog – UPDATED 2022


Almaden Community Center Spring 2017 Activities

Coming up at the Almaden Community Center this Friday, March 24, 2017 at 4:00 pm is a free family movie evening. For more details about this event, call 408-268-1133.

Regular classes in art, music and dance begin the first week in April. Classes include ballet, hip hop, guitar and more. Sports activities like futsal, soccer, tennis and basketball begin at the same time. Additionally, there are enrichment activities for kids like Digital Computer Animation and Little Medical School. Registration has just begun. Hurry up and grab a spot in your favorite activity!

Almaden Community Center Summer Camps

Is your child interested in comic book design or in being an eco-explorer? Or perhaps she would like to be a young inventor. The Almaden Community Center Spring 2017 catalog includes a schedule of exciting summer camps and activities. Spread out from June through August 2017, there are a host of diverse and exciting day-long and half-day camps for children to choose from.

In addition to various sports camps, there are camps for technologically inclined children including Lego engineering, robotics, mobile app development, aeronautics and more. Camps for art enthusiasts include origami, photography, gardening, cooking and others. Your child can also learn to be a spy, train to be a super hero, or enter the magical world of Hogwarts – there are camps for those adventures, too!

Registration for summer camps is now open. Scholarships are available for select programs. For more details and to register, call 408-268-1133 or visit

Almaden Community Center’s Summer 2013 Activity Guide – UPDATED 2022


Almaden Community Center Activity Guide includes all of the programs, classes, and activities planned for the Almaden Community Center in Summer 2013.

Almaden Valley residents have a variety of classes and activities from which to choose. There’s something for everyone – from toddlers to seniors.

Read more

Almaden Community Center’s Summer 2012 Activity Guide – UPDATED 2022


San Jose Parks Recreation & Neighborhood Services has released the Almaden Community Center Activity Guide for Summer 2012. The Almaden Community Center Activity Guide includes all of the programs, classes, and activities planned for the Almaden Community Center in Summer 2012.

Read more

Summer 2011 Horse Camp at Almaden Equestrian Center – UPDATED 2022

photo: Almaden Summer Horse CampAlmaden Summer Horse Camp is for kids, ages 6-16, who like horses, riding, and creating friendships and experiences that be will cherished forever.

Children will have fun learning to ride and improving their riding skills. Kids can learn Western, English, or Bareback. The camp is suited for beginners and advances to higher skill levels. Each child is evaluated for his/her ability and placed in a group that matches their age and skill level.

Children will also learn what it takes to properly care for our equine buddies. This season’s Summer Camp will also feature fun activities and entertainment, including exciting shows, demonstrations, horse related games, crafts, and more.

Almaden Summer Horse Camp is at Almaden Equestrian Center in Almaden Valley. Each Summer Horse Camp session is Monday through Friday from 9am-4pm. Extended care is available Monday through Friday 7am-9am and 4pm-6pm.

Each 5-day session is $450 per child. You can register online. Ask about sibling discounts. Refer 3 friends and receive $50 off upon their paid enrollment in one or more sessions in the 2011 Summer Camp season.

Following are the 5-day Summer Camp sessions available for 2011:

Session 1: June 13 – June 17, 2011
Session 2: June 20 – June 24, 2011
Session 3: June 27 – July 1, 2011

Session 4: July 5 – July 8, 2011 (4 days @ $360)
Session 5: July 11 – July 15, 2011
Session 6: July 18 – July 22, 2011
Session 7: July 25 – July 29, 2011

Session 8: August 1 – August 5, 2011
Session 9: August 8 – August 12, 2011
Session 10: August 15 – August 19, 2011

For more information, contact the Summer Camp Program Director, Patricia Jamison, at (408) 927-0232 or [email protected]. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

About Almaden Equestrian Center
Almaden Equestrian Center is a friendly, family orientated 6-acre ranch that features a horse boarding facility, large outdoor arena, smaller covered arena, round pen, and plenty of room for riding horses. AEC also has a community snack shack with a full size refrigerator, microwave, and running water. The shaded picnic area is perfect for eating lunch and taking breaks.

Play-Well TEKnologies’ Engineering with LEGO® 2011 Summer Camps in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

logo: Play-WellPlay-Well TEKnologies Summer Camps are back in Almaden Valley. Designed by engineers, the curriculum challenges both new and returning students.

The camps explore concepts in physics, mechanical engineering, structural engineering, and architecture through fun-filled projects that:

  • Develop and enhance problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Expose children to concepts and vocabulary of Engineering, Architecture, and Physics
  • Provide an opportunity to have a great time with a terrific and versatile building system

The following week-long Engineering with LEGO® camps are available: [CLICK HERE FOR 2022 SUMMER CAMPS]

PRE-Engineering with LEGO® (5-6 years olds)

  • 6/27/2011 – 7/1/11, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • 7/11/2011 – 7/15/11, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • 7/18/2011 – 7/22/11, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • 8/1/2011 – 8/5/11, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • 8/15/2011 – 8/19/11, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Engineering FUNdamentals with LEGO® (7-9 years olds)

  • 6/27/2011 – 7/1/11, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • 7/11/2011 – 7/15/11, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • 7/18/2011 – 7/22/11, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • 8/1/2011 – 8/5/11, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • 8/15/2011 – 8/19/11, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM


Summer Activity Guide for Almaden Community Center – UPDATED 2022

image: Spring 2011 Activity Guide for Almaden Community CenterSan Jose Parks Recreation & Neighborhood Services has released its City Wide Activity Guide for Summer 2011. [CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS TO MORE RECENT ALMADEN COMMUNITY CENTER ACTIVITY GUIDE.]

The Activity Guide includes all of the programs and classes planned for the Almaden Community Center in Summer 2011.

Almaden Valley residents have a variety of activities from which to choose. There’s something for everyone – from toddlers to seniors.

Choose from arts and crafts, camps, dance, early childhood recreation, education and enrichment, health and fitness, music, sports leagues and drop-ins, cooking, specialty programs, senior programs and events, and family events.

Registration for Summer 2011 activities begins on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 10am. You can register online, in-person (at Almaden Community Center), mail-in, or fax-in.

Play-Well Engineering with LEGO® – Summer Camps in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

LEGOPlay-Well TEKnologies is holding its Engineering with LEGO Summer Camps in Almaden Valley. The camps explore concepts in physics, mechanical engineering, structural engineering, and architecture through fun-filled projects that:

  • Build problem-solving skills and an appreciation for how things work
  • Encourage creative expression, inquisitiveness, self reliance, and self confidence

Play-Well Engineering with LEGO Summer Camps are being held at the Almaden Community Center on the following dates:

Play-Well Pre-Engineering with LEGO (kids ages 5-6):

  • 6/14/2010 to 6/18/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
  • 6/28/2010 to 7/2/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
  • 7/12/2010 to 7/16/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
  • 7/26/2010 to 7/30/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
  • 8/9/2010 to 8/13/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm

Play-Well Engineering FUNdamentals with LEGO (kids ages 7-9):

  • 6/14/2010 to 6/18/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
  • 6/28/2010 to 7/2/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
  • 7/12/2010 to 7/16/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
  • 7/26/2010 to 7/30/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
  • 8/9/2010 to 8/13/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm

Learn more and register online. [EVENT IS CLOSED; CLICK HERE FOR MORE RECENT Play-Well CAMPS]

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