AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


1st Annual Pat Tillman Legacy Classic Football Game

Pat Tillman Legacy ClassicLeland High School will honor Pat Tillman by hosting the 1st Annual Pat Tillman Legacy Classic football game.

A full evening of events are planned to honor the former Leland Charger and American hero! Leland will be playing against Castro Valley.

Please be a part of this great community event. Everyone is invited. The event is at Leland High School on Friday, August 31, 2012 starting at 7pm.

Motivating Our Teens to Excellence Seminar

Dr. Susan Oh ChaAs parents, we are extremely important to our children. What we say and do are noticed and absorbed into who they are, how they feel about themselves, and what they want to become.

They learn to navigate their world and make choices based on our relationship with them. This seminar will explore ways in which we can empower our kids to be the best they can be.

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11th Annual Math Enrichment Summer Program at Leland High School

Registration is now open for the 11th Annual / 2012 Math Enrichment Summer Program at Leland High School in Almaden Valley.

Math Enrichment is an independent Summer program for students going into Kindergarten through 11th Grade. It offers a challenging educational environment to all students, while creating an atmosphere that inspires a lifelong love of learning and helps each student to reach his or her fullest potential.

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2012 Denim 2 Diamonds Fundraiser Benefiting Leland Athletic Programs – UPDATED 2022

Leland High School Booster Club is holding its 2012 Denim 2 Diamonds fundraiser benefiting Leland athletic programs and athletes.

The event includes dinner, no host bar, desert, dancing, live auction, and premium raffle. Joe Sharino Band will be playing.

Denim 2 Diamonds will be at The Golf Club at Boulder Ridge in Almaden Valley on Friday April 27, 2012 from 6:30-11:30pm. You can purchase tickets online. [EVENT IS CLOSED]


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