Boys and Girls Lacrosse Summer Camps in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022
Does your child love lacrosse? Would they like to work on their skills and bring their game to the next level? If so, Skyhawks Sports is holding boys and girls lacrosse Summer camps in Almaden Valley.
The camp is geared towards kids ages 7 to 12 years old. Each camp includes skill drills, games, and scrimmages. Athletes will learn the fundamentals of stick handling, cradling, passing, and shooting – all in a fun, non-checking environment. Athletes will come away with a deep understanding of the game and its traditions.
In addition to providing health and fitness benefits, participating in Summer lacrosse camp builds self-esteem, respect for others, and teamwork skills. The participant-to-coach ratio is approx 12:1.
The camps are at Simonds Elementary School, July 6-9, 2010, 9am-12pm. The price is $104 per athlete. Register online at San Jose Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services. [EVENT IS CLOSED]