AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


5th Annual / 2011 Almaden Harvest Festival & Holiday Boutique

Photo: Almaden Harvest Festival

Photo by Kevin Stanchfield

Bring the entire family for a day of fun at the 5th Annual / 2011 Almaden Harvest Festival & Holiday Boutique.

Children will enjoy picking from the pumpkin patch, getting spooked in the scream-inducing Haunted House, making crafts, playing games, and being entertained with a holiday story time and puppet show.

The story time and puppet show are in the library at 11:30am, and repeated at 2:30pm. Children are invited to dress up in creative outfits and Halloween costumes.

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First Annual / 2011 Navigating the Maze Forum in Almaden Valley

Navigating the Maze - Almaden ValleyVisiting Angels San Jose is holding its first annual / 2011 “Navigating the Maze” forum. The event is for families and caregivers of seniors in Almaden Valley and the surrounding areas.

Visiting Angels is bringing together over 30 experts from the fields of Medicine, Law, Real Estate, Remodeling, and Finance to answer questions from the general public on the issues and practical side of aging.

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Summer Activity Guide for Almaden Community Center – UPDATED 2022

image: Spring 2011 Activity Guide for Almaden Community CenterSan Jose Parks Recreation & Neighborhood Services has released its City Wide Activity Guide for Summer 2011. [CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS TO MORE RECENT ALMADEN COMMUNITY CENTER ACTIVITY GUIDE.]

The Activity Guide includes all of the programs and classes planned for the Almaden Community Center in Summer 2011.

Almaden Valley residents have a variety of activities from which to choose. There’s something for everyone – from toddlers to seniors.

Choose from arts and crafts, camps, dance, early childhood recreation, education and enrichment, health and fitness, music, sports leagues and drop-ins, cooking, specialty programs, senior programs and events, and family events.

Registration for Summer 2011 activities begins on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 10am. You can register online, in-person (at Almaden Community Center), mail-in, or fax-in.

The New York Times Bestselling Author, Michelle Richmond, Speaking in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

photo: Michelle Richmond[THIS EVENT IS CLOSED]

The New York Times bestselling author, Michelle Richmond, will be giving a free talk and book signing in Almaden Valley. Michelle’s book, The Year of Fog, will also be available for purchase.

The Year of Fog follows the journey of a young woman through the mysteries of memory and guilt after her fiance’s six-year old daughter disappears while in her care.” Silicon Valley Reads

The event is at Almaden Library and Community Center on Saturday, March 26, 2011 from 3:00-4:00pm. The event is sponsored by Silicon Valley Reads and Friends of Almaden Library.

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