2011 Stargazing and Story Time in Almaden Valley

Courtesy NASA / JPL Caltech
Join the San Jose Astronomical Association for Stories and Stargazing.
Enjoy stories about planets, stars, and space. After story time, go outside to the stargazing station telescopes to enjoy a dramatic view of the autumn sky.
Members of the San Jose Astronomical Society will help you view Jupiter, Ring Nebula, Great Global Cluster in Hercules, Coathanger, Albireo, and other celestial bodies.
The event is at the Almaden Library and Community Center on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 from 5:30-8:00pm. Story time begins at 5:30pm, followed by the stargazing outside at 6:00pm. Dress warmly.
Check out the stargazing etiquette and helpful tips. You can also subscribe to Ephemeris, San Jose Astronomical Association’s monthly newsletter.