Author Archive for: Therese Swan

About Therese Swan

Almaden Realtor, Therese Swan, is committed to providing the highest quality service in the Almaden Valley real estate market.

Entries by Therese Swan

Almaden Senior Program 2012 Trip Schedule

Almaden Senior Program has a number of domestic trips planned for 2012, including Black Oak Casino, Hawaii, and Trains of the Colorado Rockies. These trips are a wonderful and hassle-free way to see the United States with your significant other and/or friends.

Matilda’s Marvelous Adventure Presented by the Almaden Senior Players

You’ll smile. You’ll chuckle. You’ll laugh out loud. Matilda’s Marvelous Adventure, a play written and directed by local Almaden Valley senior Mary Sheehan, follows Matilda Kumquat’s adventures as she travels around the world meeting various zany people she encounters along the way. Join in the fun and experience a humorous look at airlines, cruises, tourists, […]

Almaden Valley Orators Toastmasters 2012 Open House

Almaden Valley Orators of Toastmasters International is having an open house. Locals are invited to come alone or with guests for food, prizes, and to have a great time! If you are new to Toastmasters, you’ll discover how you can improve your self-confidence, public speaking, leadership, and critical thinking skills. Whether you’re looking to grow […]

Almaden Valley TechKnowHow LEGO® 2012 Summer Camps – UPDATED 2022

TechKnowHow is offering LEGO® Summer Camps for boys and girls ages 5-9 years old. [NOTE: CLICK HERE FOR MORE RECENT SUMMER CAMP OFFERINGS BY TechKnowHow.] TechKnowHow’s special half-day camps include “Simple Bots: Remote-Controlled LEGO® Projects” and “Master Builders: Advanced LEGO® Building and Game Design.” Each class has five LEGO building projects, one per day. The […]

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