AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


Star Party and Heavenly Story Time in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

Photo by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Join the San Jose Astronomical Association for Stories Under the Stars and Star Party.

From the stargazing station telescopes, see Jupiter, Ring Nebula, Great Global Cluster in Hercules, Coathanger, Albireo, and other show objects of the autumn sky.

The event is at the Almaden Library and Community Center on Tuesday, November 16, 2010, from 5:30-8:00pm. Story time starts at 5:30pm, followed by the star party at 6:00pm. For more information, call 408-808-3040. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Check out the star party etiquette and helpful tips. You can also subscribe to Ephemeris, San Jose Astronomical Association’s monthly newsletter.

Winter 2011 Almaden Community Center Activity Guide – UPDATED 2022


San Jose Parks Recreation & Neighborhood Services has released its Citywide Activity Guide for Winter 2011. The guide includes all of the activities planned for the Almaden Community Center.

Almaden Valley residents have a variety of activities to choose from, including the following: arts and crafts, camps, dance, early childhood recreation, education and enrichment, health and fitness, music and theater, sports leagues and drop-ins, cooking, specialty programs, senior programs and events, and family events.

Registration begins Saturday, December 11, 2010. Programs and classes begin the week of January 18, 2011. Download the guide and register online.

View the most recent Almaden Community Center Activity Guide.

Magician Brian Scott’s Access to Oddities Show Coming to Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

photo: Magician Brian ScottAccess to Oddities is a hilarious and interactive one of a kind show. Magician Brian Scott combines magic, comedy, and pure fun that the whole family with enjoy.

Brian Scott has spent a lifetime being intrigued by the bizarre and strange world of magic, and has integrated into his show entertaining oddities from around the world. With these oddities, he creates an experience that allows the audience to not only see but also partake in these strange occurrences first-hand.

Brian Scott will have you laughing, scratching your head in wonder, and being just plain amazed. The show features baffling and comical magic, audience participation, and surprising mind-reading demonstrations that will have you rubbing your eyes in disbelief.

Brian Scott’s Access to Oddities will be entertaining you at the Almaden Community Center on Saturday, October 23, 2010, from 1:00-2:00pm. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Memoir Writing Class in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

photo: hand writing with pen on paper

Photo by matsuyuki (Toshiyuki Imai)

Learn how to write your memoir. Attend a creative memoir writing class to learn useful techniques that will help you identify memories of pivotal events and moments in your life. Preserve your personal stories on paper for yourself and to share with future generations of your family. The class is for adults age 50 and older.

The Memoir Writing class is at the Almaden Community Center, AL Room 4. The class meets every Monday beginning November 15, 2010 and ending December 13, 2010, from 10:30am – 12:00pm. The price is only $34. Three ways to register: online, at the community center, or mail or fax the registration form. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

4th Annual / 2010 Harvest Festival in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

photo: pumpkin in fall leaves

Photo by Pink Sherbet Photography

Bring the entire family to the 4th Annual / 2010 Harvest Festival in Almaden Valley. There’s something for everyone.

The festival will feature arts and crafts from local artists, pumpkin patch, haunted houses (for kids and teens), games, craft-making, story time and puppet show, raffle prizes, and delicious food. Children are invited to wear Halloween costumes.

Save the date for this fun event that the whole family will enjoy. Harvest Festival is at the Almaden Community Center on Saturday, October 23, 2010, from 11am to 4pm. General admission and parking are free. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Drawing & Painting for Teens in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

Leonardo da Vinci's Self-Portrait

Line drawing in sanguine by Leonardo da Vinci

Drawing & Painting for Teens is focused on developing specific skills in representational drawing and painting. Participants will learn through teacher demonstrations, individual instruction, and class critiques.

You will get to choose from acrylic paints, water-soluble oils, and drawing instruments and materials. Each student will also use his or her own choice of subject-matter photos, pictures, etc. to use for inspiration.

You will gain confidence to take on greater challenges in painting or drawing, so you can go on to produce great works of art!

The class is for teens ages 13-18. All levels of experience are welcome. The instructor is Nancy Franck.

Drawing & Painting for Teens is at Almaden Community Center in AL Room 3. Class will be held every Thursday, from 4:30-6:00pm, beginning November 16, 2010 and ending December 21, 2010 (6 meetings). The price is $88 per participant. Register online. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Pumpkin Picking and Art Activities in Almaden Valley

Photo by Caitlin Childs

Pumpkin Picking at the Park is a fun-filled day with activities for pre-schools and their parents to enjoy together. The morning starts with art activities at Almaden Community Center, followed by a guided tour of Emma Prusch Park.

At Emma Prusch Park you and your child will go on a wagon hay ride, get a close up look at different farm animals, and pick a pumpkin to take home with you. You are also welcome to bring lunch and have a picnic in the park.

The event is Wednesday, October 27, 2010, from 9am to 12:30pm. The price is $20 per child. Pre-registration is required. You can register online. Emma Prusch Park is located at 647 South Kind Road, San Jose, CA 95116.

Almaden Community Center 2010 Halloween Party – UPDATED 2022

Image: Child Halloween DrawingA safe and fun Halloween party in Almaden Valley for kids ages 4-7. Children should go in costume. They will enjoy food, games, crafts, and stories.

The party is at the Almaden Community Center on Friday, October 29, 2010, from 5pm to 7pm. The price is $21 per child for San Jose residents, and $25 for non-residents. You can register your child online. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Do you know of any other events or activities happening in Almaden Valley for Halloween? If so, we’d like to know. Send us an email, submit the form, or tell us about it in the comments to this post.

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