AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


Learn How to Use Facebook at Almaden Valley Branch Library – UPDATED 2022

facebook logoLearn how to use Facebook to connect and share with the people in your life. You will learn how to create a Facebook account, setup your Facebook profile, and begin using Facebook’s networking features. (You just need to have an email account and be familiar with how to use a computer keyboard and mouse.)

The class is at the Almaden Branch Library Technology Center on Saturday, September 11, 2011, from 11am to 12pm. Pre-registration is required. To register, call the Almaden Branch Library at 408-808-3040, or go to the front desk inside the Almaden Community Center. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

SeniorNet Learning Center of Almaden – Summer 2010 Registration and Courses – UPDATED 2022

SeniorNet Learning Center of Almaden ValleySeniorNet Learning Center of Almaden is offering more than a dozen different computer and software application courses this Summer.

SeniorNet is a national non-profit membership organization dedicated to building a community of computer-using seniors (ages 50 and over).

Courses range from an introduction to computers (no computer knowledge required) to intermediate and advanced courses in various software applications.

A sampling of the courses available this Summer include Windows operating systems, search engines, word processing, spreadsheets, photo editing, photo albums, and digital music.

Most of the courses are one day a week for two hours, and last from four to eight weeks. All classes are held at the Almaden Community Center.

The price for an annual membership to SeniorNet is $40. The annual renewal fee for existing members is $30. Individual courses range from $10 to $20 each.

Registration for Summer 2010 is at the Almaden Community Center on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 11:30am.

See the Summer 2010 brochure and registration form for further details on the courses being offered by SeniorNet Learning Center of Almaden. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Old School Etiquette for Boys in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

[photo: boy in suit]

Photo by Ariane Hunter

Good manners never go out of style! Raise a perfect gentlemen with Old School Etiquette for Boys. This class will help your son with his manners, appearance, and confidence at social gatherings.

Topics include good posture, public speaking, being a good sport, and table manners. The class ends with a dinner to practice all of the skills the boys have learned. This class is also a great refresher for returning students. The class is for boys ages 7-12.

The class meets six times at the Almaden Community Center on Wednesdays, April 28 – June 2, 2010, 3:45pm to 4:45pm. The price is $79 per boy. You can register your son online. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Cheerleading Summer Camp – UPDATED 2022

[photo: cheerleader pom pom] Cheerleading Summer Camp participants learn everything from fundamental arm movements, kicks, jumps, and turns to flips, chants, routines, and proper warm-ups and stretching.

Campers perform a full cheer routine for parents, guardians, and friends on the last day of class. This camp is guaranteed to be a blast. Cheerleading Summer Camp is for boys and girls ages 6-11.

The price is $95 for the week. The camp is at the Almaden Community Center, June 28, 2010 through July 2, 2010, 9am – 12pm daily. You can sign up online. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Almaden Jr. Chef’s Summer Camp – Summer 2010 – UPDATED 2022

[photo: boy jr. chef] Sign your child up for Almaden Jr. Chef’s Summer Camp. Campers will learn basic cooking techniques, fun how to’s, healthy eating tips, and design their own herb garden and reusable shopping bag.

The camp also features multicultural food demonstrations and supervised play time. Sign your child up for one or two weeks. The camp is for boys and girls ages 6-10. The camper to staff ratio is 1:12. The price is $295 per camper for one week.

Almaden Jr. Chef’s Summer Camp is at the Almaden Community Center. You have two one-week sessions to choose from: July 12, 2010 – July 16, 2010, and/or August 2, 2010 – August 6, 2010. Camp is held 8:30am – 12:30pm daily. You can sign up online. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Teen Break Away Summer Camp for Almaden Valley Teens – UPDATED 2022

{Logo: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom}Join other teens for the hottest destination-style camp in San Jose – Teen Break Away! We visit destinations that will excite and delight any teen. Take a look at our action packed trips. Sign up as early as possible because spaces fill up quickly:

  • Monday: Team Building and Swimming
  • Tuesday: Laser Quest and Rock Climbing
  • Wednesday: SF Zoo
  • Thursday: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
  • Friday: Movie and Nickel City

The registration fee includes admission, transportation (via San Jose vehicles, City Transit, or Charter Bus), and supervision (1 adult supervisor to 7 teens). Each participant must bring their own spending money and lunch.

Each day Teen Break Away will depart from and return to the Almaden Community Center. You can choose from any of the following six camp sessions: 6/21 – 6/25/2010, 6/28 – 7/2/2010, 7/6 – 7/9/2010, 7/19 – 7/23/2010, 7/26 – 7/30/2010, and 8/2 – 8/6/2010. Each day (Mon-Fri) camp begins at 9am and ends at 5pm. Price is $254 for residents and $258 for non-residents.

Register online at San Jose Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Gardening Course in Almaden Valley: Growing Fruit Trees & Berries – UPDATED 2022

Master Gardeners Santa Clara County LogoAttend Growing Fruit Trees & Berries presented by the Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County. This four-week course stresses how good garden practices such as efficient watering, managing garden pests, and use of organic fertilizers and soil amendments apply to growing healthy fruits and berries.

Topics that will be covered include gardening basic requirements for specific fruits and berries, recommended varieties, and pruning techniques. Apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, plums, citrus, and a variety of berries will be covered.

The course is being held at the Almaden Community Center every Saturday beginning April 17, 2010 and ending May 8, 2010, from 10am-12pm. The price is $45 for residents and $49 for non-residents.

Register online at San Jose Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

3-Month Fitness Membership for Only $49 – Special Offer Ends May 30, 2010 – UPDATED 2022

Photo by Adria Richards

Get in shape for Summer at the state-of-the-art fitness facilities inside the Almaden Community Center. For only $49 you get access to the fitness center and all of the drop in fitness and sports programs – for 3 full months. You’ll be in swimsuit shape in no time!

This special offer ends May 30, 2010, so take advantage of this great low price now while you still can. Sign up at the Almaden Community Center. Your 3-month period starts from the date of purchase. No hidden fees or contracts required. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Group Exercise Membership for All Fitness Classes – Only $49 Monthly – UPDATED 2022

Almaden Community CenterNeed to get ready for the Summer swim suit season? Can’t work up the motivation to do it by yourself? Almaden Community Center may have just what you need – a Group Exercise Membership that gives you access to all fitness classes.

For only $49 per month you have full access to all of the professionally lead group exercise classes, including zumba, cardio kickboxing, boot camp, pilates and more. This is a fantastic deal.

You will like working out in the fun and friendly atmosphere, and of course seeing the results. Classes are taught in a state of the facility – including a 7,000 sq. ft. gymnasium and 2,000 sq. ft. dance/aerobics studio.

Classes are at the Almaden Community Center, Monday through Saturday. Morning, afternoon, and evening classes are available. See the City Wide Activity Guide for Spring & Summer 2010 for class descriptions, days, and times. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

2010 Almaden Flea Market at the Community Center – UPDATED 2022

Almaden Community Center LogoThe 2010 Almaden Flea Market is the perfect opportunity for the bargain hunter and treasure seeker. You never know what you’ll find. Come and shop for arts and crafts as well. Entrance to the event is free.

Interested in getting a booth to promote and sell your wares? The price is only $30 per booth. For more information read the Vendor Flyer. Then complete the Booth Application Form and mail, fax, or bring it to the Almaden Community Center.

Almaden Community CenterThe Flea Market event is at the Almaden Community Center parking lot. On Sunday, May 23, 2010 from 8am to 2pm. (Vendor set-up is from 6:30 to 7:30am, and pack-up from 2 to 3pm.) For more information call 408-268-1133 and ask for Jamie. Hope to see you there! [EVENT IS CLOSED]

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