AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


Winter 2011 Presidents Week Camps for Kids in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

photo: presidents week camps

Photo by Mahalie Stackpole

Children in Almaden Valley have a number of different options available to them for camps over the Winter 2011 Presidents Week school break. Camps include everything from sports, cooking, art, games, and dance. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Almaden Athletics Winter Break Basketball Camp
This camp builds and improves a player’s skills and abilities in the areas of passing, shooting, rebounding, dribbling, play execution, and position playing. The camp is for boys and girls ages 8-13. Camp is daily Tuesday, February 22, 2011 to Friday, February 25, 2011 from 9:00am to 3:00pm. The price is $112 per player. Register online or call the Almaden Community Center at 408-268-1133.

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Green Talk Lecture Tour Coming to Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

"Green" Talk in Almaden ValleyLearn how to live a healthier, greener life. Will Chandler, Green Certified Professional and Founder of ecoProach, will share how being more “Green” will enhance your living environment, making it more efficient, eco-friendly, and healthy. “We could not be more excited to share our vast knowledge about Green living, energy auditing, and greening your home,” said Will Chandler.

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SeniorNet Learning Center of Almaden – Winter 2011 Registration and Courses – UPDATED 2022

logo: SeniorNet Learning Center of Almaden ValleySeniorNet Learning Center of Almaden has released its Winter 2011 Course Schedule. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Choose from a number of different computer, Internet, and software application courses, including an Introduction to Google and Introduction to Facebook. Download the Winter 2011 Session Brochure.

Registration for the Winter 2011 Session is at the Almaden Community Center on Saturday, January 8, 2011, at 11:30am. Classes are also at the Almaden Community Center, and begin January 10, 2011 and end March 7, 2011. (Most of the courses are one day a week for two hours, and last from four to eight weeks.)

The price for an annual membership to SeniorNet is $40. The annual renewal fee for existing members is $30. Individual courses range from $10 to $20 each.

Breakfast with Santa at Almaden Community Center – UPDATED 2022

photo: Breakfast with Santa in Almaden

Photo by By Axel Bührmann

Attend the annual Breakfast with Santa event. The morning starts with a tasty breakfast for your entire family.

Children will then be able to participate in a variety seasonal arts and crafts, and take their creations home with them.

Santa will be making a special visit. Children can get a picture taken with Santa and receive a special gift. (Pictures will also be available for purchase.)

Breakfast with Santa is at Almaden Community Center on Saturday, December 11, 2010, from 9:30am to 12:00pm.

Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. The price is $10 per person. Children one and half years of age or younger are free. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Sustainable Home Vegetable Gardening in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

logo: Master Gardeners of Santa Clara CountyGardening year round is easy and rewarding in our mild climate here in Almaden Valley. Learn from Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County how to have a successful, environmentally responsible food garden that provides delicious vegetables and herbs every month of the year.

This course stresses sustainable gardening practices such as mulching, efficient watering methods, on-site composting, integrated pest management, and use of organic fertilizers and soil amendments.

This six-week course is taught by Bette Lloyd, Master Gardener. The class meets at the Almaden Community Center on Saturdays, January 22 – February 26, 2011, from 10am-12pm. Register online or by calling 408-268-1133. The price is $70 per person. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

Guitar Quartet Presenting Holiday Concert in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022

photo: guitaristA classical guitar quartet, featuring Ben Zussman, Scott Swink, Tom Gardin, and Jerry Snyder, will be presenting a concert of traditional, classical, and popular Christmas and Winter seasonal music for the Holidays.

This South Bay Guitar Society quartet will be playing selections by Enrique Granados, Celso Machado, Zequinha Abreu, Johnny Mercer, Michael Langer & Chen Atkins.

This free concert is at the Almaden Community Center on Tuesday, December 14, 6:30-8:00pm. [EVENT IS CLOSED]

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