AccessAlmaden - What’s Happening in Almaden Valley


Breakfast with Santa Clause at the Almaden Community Center – UPDATED 2022

Breakfast with Santa Clause at Almaden Community CenterThe staff of the City of San Jose Parks and Recreation Department invite the residents of Almaden to bring their little ones to a breakfast with Santa Clause on December 8, 2012 from 9:30am to noon.

The event will begin with a breakfast, a seasonal arts and crafts project and photos with Santa (available for purchase with a frame). The festivities will wrap up with a special gift from Santa.

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Almaden Valley North Pole Party with Santa Clause

Almaden Valley North Pole Party with Santa ClauseThe staff of the City of San Jose Parks and Recreation Department invite the residents of Almaden to celebrate the season with their children at the North Pole party on December 14, 2012 from 4:30 to 6:30pm.

The event will include snacks, singing, and arts & crafts activities. There will even be a visit and a gift from a very special someone who goes by the name of Santa Clause.

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Indoor Soccer, Skillz, and Scrimmages in Almaden Valley

Indoor Soccer, Skillz, and Scrimmages in Almaden ValleySix spots remain in the Soccer, Skillz and Scrimmages indoor youth soccer league presented by the City of San Jose Parks and Recreation Department. Classes will take place from November 28 2012 to January 9 2013 on Wednesday evenings from 4:35 to 5:20pm. (There will be no class on December 26th.)

The teams are co-ed. Children must be at least seven years old, but no older than 10 to participate. Shin guards are required and participants are asked to wear tennis or indoor shoes without black soles.

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Almaden Community Center’s Fall 2012 Activity Guide – UPDATED 2022


Almaden Community Center Activity Guide includes all of the programs, classes, and activities planned for the Almaden Community Center in Fall 2012.

Almaden Valley residents have a variety of classes and activities from which to choose. There’s something for everyone – from toddlers to seniors.

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