Play-Well Engineering with LEGO® – Summer Camps in Almaden Valley – UPDATED 2022
Play-Well TEKnologies is holding its Engineering with LEGO Summer Camps in Almaden Valley. The camps explore concepts in physics, mechanical engineering, structural engineering, and architecture through fun-filled projects that:
- Build problem-solving skills and an appreciation for how things work
- Encourage creative expression, inquisitiveness, self reliance, and self confidence
Play-Well Engineering with LEGO Summer Camps are being held at the Almaden Community Center on the following dates:
Play-Well Pre-Engineering with LEGO (kids ages 5-6):
- 6/14/2010 to 6/18/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
- 6/28/2010 to 7/2/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
- 7/12/2010 to 7/16/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
- 7/26/2010 to 7/30/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
- 8/9/2010 to 8/13/2010, M-F, 9am-12pm
Play-Well Engineering FUNdamentals with LEGO (kids ages 7-9):
- 6/14/2010 to 6/18/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
- 6/28/2010 to 7/2/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
- 7/12/2010 to 7/16/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
- 7/26/2010 to 7/30/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
- 8/9/2010 to 8/13/2010, M-F, 1pm-4pm
Learn more and register online. [EVENT IS CLOSED; CLICK HERE FOR MORE RECENT Play-Well CAMPS]